Regulatory Measures

The enabling legislation for the Producer Responsibility Scheme on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WPRS), namely the Promotion of Recycling and Proper Disposal (Electrical Equipment and Electronic Equipment) (Amendment) Ordinance 2016 was passed by the Legislative Council in March 2016, whereas the Product Eco-Responsibility (Regulated Electrical Equipment) Regulation providing for certain operational matters relating to suppliers and sellers of regulated electrical equipment (REE), was enacted in July 2017.

The Legislative Council passed the Product Eco-responsibility (Amendment) Bill 2023 in October 2023 for enhancing the WPRS.   The enhanced WPRS expanded the scope of REE and removed the requirement of recycling label, both of which have been in effect since 1 July 2024.

Key regulatory measures of the WPRS include -

  • Ten types of REE, i.e. air-conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, tumble dryers, dehumidifiers, televisions, computers (including desktops, laptops and tablets), printers, scanners and monitors are included and regulated under WPRS. You may mouse over the picture below for the definition of each type of REE:
Includes single package type and split type air conditioners, air cooled or air heated (or both), with a rated cooling capacity not exceeding 3HP.
Size of its display screen not exceeding 100 inches (measured diagonally).
Operate by using the vapour compression cycle with a rated dehumidifying capacity not exceeding 35 litres per day, but do not include those operate by using desiccant materials.
Tumble dryers
Dry textiles by tumbling in a rotating drum, use main electricity as the only power source for heating and with a rated drying capacity not exceeding 15 kilograms.
Washing machine
With a rated washing capacity not exceeding 15 kilograms.
With a rated total storage volume not exceeding 900 litres.
Includes single package type and split type air conditioners, air cooled or air heated (or both), with a rated cooling capacity not exceeding 3HP.
Not exceeding 30 kg in weight.
Not exceeding 30 kg in weight; one that can be used as a photocopier, facsimile transmitter or scanner is nevertheless regarded as a printer.
Not having the function of storing electronic data or computing, the size of the display screen is not smaller than 5.5 inches but not exceeding 100 inches (measured diagonally).
Marketing with a name as personal computer, desktop computer, tablet computer, laptop computer and notebook computer.

  • Manufacturers and importers of REE are required to register as registered suppliers with Environmental Protection Department and pay recycling levy for REE distributed in Hong Kong in the course of their business.
  • When a seller sells REE in Hong Kong and if requested by the consumer, the seller shall arrange for the consumer a free removal service for disposal of the same type of waste equipment. This service will help members of the public handle waste equipment requiring disposal, and as the waste equipment collected will be sent to downstream recyclers for proper treatment, it will help turn waste into resources, thereby achieving resources recovery.
  • Any person who is engaged in the storage, treatment, reprocessing or recycling of abandoned REE (e-waste) must obtain a waste disposal licence (e-WDL), save for certain exclusions.
  • A permit is required for the import and export of abandoned REE.
  • Abandoned REE is no longer be accepted for disposal at the landfills and other designated waste disposal facilities (e.g. refuse transfer stations).

The WPRS has been fully implemented in phases in 2018 –

From 1 August 2018, a supplier of REE must have been registered with the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) before distributing REE. Registered suppliers must also fulfil other statutory obligations, including the submission of returns to the EPD and payment of recycling levies, as well as providing recycling labels when distributing REE. For details of application for registration as registered suppliers, please click here.

From 1 August 2018, a seller must have a removal service plan endorsed by the EPD for selling REE. When a seller sells REE and if requested by the consumer, the seller should arrange for the consumer a free removal service to dispose of the same class of equipment abandoned by the consumer in accordance with the endorsed plan. The seller must also provide recycling labels to consumers purchasing REE, and a receipt containing the prescribed wording on the recycling levies. For details of application for endorsement of removal service plan, please click here.

The disposal licensing control, import and export permit control and landfill disposal ban in respect of abandoned REE has commenced on 31 December 2018. Any person who is engaged in the storage, treatment, reprocessing or recycling of abandoned REE must obtain a waste disposal licence; a permit is required for the import and export of abandoned REE; and abandoned REE is no longer be accepted for disposal at the landfills and other designated waste disposal facilities (e.g. refuse transfer stations). For details of the relevant licensing and permit control, please click here.